An anonimous letter box, to mean something to everybody and to each one; a road sign only pointing at directions, without places. Formal elements of contents in progress. Used objects to invent as new. And if that one would be starting and arrival point of your post, perhaps it is about yourself; the one you send something is absolutely in a different place and if he reaches you at once you will be posting, he will only observe your gesture, but the letter will already be too far.
Regarding the Road Sign…if it were there, driven in the place you are looking for, decisions and choices place? Dismissed objects from their common sense –that’s how Cortazar exhorted to distrust that cloud, hanged in the sky, “…its name catalogued in the memory…”**.
Grotowsky, without any pity, undressed the actor’s performance till the intellectual and affective despair having to rebuild it, bit by bit, beyond any mnemonic automatism, so that it would become just of “that actor’s act”, offered to the audience and himself.
Unconscious and Collective Myths crossing -through a purification from good sense and morality drosses, if they only were adopted- in the mise-en-scène.
You will come out, without being written from that letter box, and you will sniff the directions, trying each moment to avoid the marked ones, rather relying on your smell and sight, foot-prints and birds’ flight. You will make it yours and won’t get lost, Don Juan affirmed in the desert of Castaneda, so you will have to reformulate your exploration’s reasons, while detecting.
Mr. Hube, in a formal manner, let the tip of his tongue slide on the envelope border , sealing it before posting. He ardently desired it would anticipate his arrival in that county where he was waited. The trip would last for long, three days; he wore his overcoat, took his hat and left with his well polished car for that occasion. It so happens that the Postal Service had announced a general strike on the second day of his departure and that blessed Sign would have been tamper with, by some guy joking. Nobody arrived from no where, but everybody arrived to te starting place punctually.
Photo: "Road Sign", by E. Gioacchini, 2006