The Dramatherapy Workshop FreeMind is an open space, so long as it goes on consolidating its thinking and its practice. A blog will allow the extension of the communication: drama widened to ideas and competences. Director, E. Gioacchini

@ Director As mind master of the CDIOT, this gives me the opportunity to open a discussion on the fascinating Mind's Creative Processes and the Theatre. So I invite you to join our community, getting it prestigious, because it will be built with your intuitions and questions, meditation and inner answers. This is the place where you can use the freedom to express your doubts and you ideas, sharing with the others the research of your way. The Mind is a living miracle, available better than we could immagine; the theatre is a powerful tool to get deeply its power! But what beyond our discussions? Prepare for becoming part of a new way to discuss with your right emisphere. Explore the real power of hypnosis, dramatherapy and cinema-dramatherapy and get away its magic and false misconceptions.Work nicely with us to create our friendship and the warmth of our curiosity and mind’s exploration. Learn, enjoy and get excited! Help yourself adapt to altering life-style changes..if there’s one constant in our life today it’s change; from every direction and faster than ever. Let’s make the dream a reality...and much much more! Contact and interface with our staff; psychiatrists and psychologists will help you to get your life better!I’m just looking forward to seeing your messages here!

"It does not take much strength to do things, but it requires great strength to decide on what to do" Elbert Hubbard

Saturday, 24 January 2009

Patrice - Sunshine


And when I feel
life's heavy labours calling.
I make my self
light aslight
I think of things
as they come to me
without warning
A train of thoughts passing through on the tracks


we be cruising,
it's in our music
that's where the truth is
cos we have done
that cos we haven't been there
I wanna go there
cos we will run that,
I wanna go for real

See the sun shine
in winter time see snow falling in summer time
it's all crazy like our minds
all this anger makes us blind.
For all these poisons that are mine
I know I can not rewind
as I struggle to be more kind
As the train lies
and I mess around
I'm so young but not without a sound,
been seen double,keeping me down
I fiddle with a thought
But not without a sound


(I wanna feel it,
I wanna be there,
I want you to feel it,
the way that I feel it.
Don't you conceal it,
come on reveal it,
you better kiss me
you better love your self.)

My body and your body
can fuse into one
shadow on the wall.
Your body and my body
produce somebody
a soundbody.
Just look what we conjured
out of nowhere like the notes
that thrill the air


(I wanna feel it,
I wanna be there,
I want you to feel it,
the waythat I feel it.
Don't you conceal it,
come on reveal it,
you better kiss me
you better love your self)

Friday, 23 January 2009

Capitulo 7, Rayuela

Tocco la tua bocca, con un dito tocco l’orlo della tua bocca, la sto disegnando come se uscisse dalle mie mani, come se per la prima volta la tua bocca si schiudesse, e mi basta chiudere gli occhi per disfare tutto e ricominciare, ogni volta faccio nascere la bocca che desidero, la bocca che la mia mano sceglie e ti disegna in volto, una bocca scelta fra tutte, con sovrana libertà scelta da me per disegnarla con la mia mano sul tuo volto, e che per un caso che non cerco di capire coincide esattamente con la tua bocca che sorride sotto quella che la mia mano ti disegna. Mi guardi, ti guardo da vicino, ogni volta più vicino e allora giochiamo al ciclope, ci guardiamo ogni volta più da vicino e gli occhi ingrandiscono, si avvicinano fra loro, si sovrappongono e i ciclopi si guardano, respirando confusi, le bocche si incontrano e lottano tiepidamente, mordendosi con le labbra, appoggiando appena la lingua sui denti, giocando nei loro recinti dove un’aria pesante va e viene con un profumo vecchio e un silenzio. Allora le mie mani cercano di affondare nei tuoi capelli, accarezzare la profondità dei tuoi capelli mentre ci baciamo come se avessimo la bocca piena di fiori o di pesci, di movimenti vivi, di fragranza oscura. E se ci mordiamo il dolore è dolce, se soffochiamo in un breve e terribile assorbire simultaneo del respiro, questa istantanea morte è bella. E c’è una sola saliva e un solo sapore di frutta matura, e io sento tremare stretta a me come una luna nell’acqua.
Julio Cortàzar, "Il gioco del mondo (Rayuela)", Einaudi.

Tuesday, 13 January 2009

Somewhere over the Rainbow

Somewhere beyond the horizon, over that sky that gives us the ability to hope and at the same time forbids us from seeing too much, except at night, when it is all much clearer…The arrogant light of day puts in perspective our grandeur. Under a carpet of flashing lights of an eternal ‘Christmas’, it reminds us of our short passing as audience-actors of this ‘earthly’ scene; it foreshadows the ‘Epiphany’ of our inexhaustible or tired desires.
But if, during the day, we can manage to shout out loud enough, paying attention to our echo, the anticipation of the match with hypnos happens on the shores of a lake, at the top of a mountain, or – invisible - in the depths of our spirit.
He manages…this wide man, with a deep voice. Wide and, you would say, ‘good’. As wide as the sea, as wide as that sky beyond the rainbow, that sings. And while he foreshadows ‘a place’ in which perhaps all is better, he really seems to be having fun and being comfortable in this place. This is how we should dream, plucking the strings of the instrument we have and lifting the notes higher, thus gaining wider spaces: water is wide…

The Water Is Wide

Some of you will remember that in the play "Sonia and the Rest of my Life" we used this passage as soundtrack to the fourth act. The sweet and talented Domenica, with my less sweet and less talented voice as background, accompanied the notes by James Taylor played with my guitar, distracted amongst the audience, so that loneliness and hope could dance.
It is true; the waters are so extended that they could reach you from the four cardinal points and you can reach anything as well, if you guess the right route.
But then the dream, the wish, needs little miracles, like those that come from silent prayers inside us and wake up prodigious powers. They are wide boats that can contain us all and know how to challenge the unknown. Whether it’s sky, sea, or land, they expect you to be a sailor a ‘traveller’. They are able not to confuse what is behind with what is ahead of us. Good luck for the Workshop tomorrow, Director