The Dramatherapy Workshop FreeMind is an open space, so long as it goes on consolidating its thinking and its practice. A blog will allow the extension of the communication: drama widened to ideas and competences. Director, E. Gioacchini

@ Director As mind master of the CDIOT, this gives me the opportunity to open a discussion on the fascinating Mind's Creative Processes and the Theatre. So I invite you to join our community, getting it prestigious, because it will be built with your intuitions and questions, meditation and inner answers. This is the place where you can use the freedom to express your doubts and you ideas, sharing with the others the research of your way. The Mind is a living miracle, available better than we could immagine; the theatre is a powerful tool to get deeply its power! But what beyond our discussions? Prepare for becoming part of a new way to discuss with your right emisphere. Explore the real power of hypnosis, dramatherapy and cinema-dramatherapy and get away its magic and false misconceptions.Work nicely with us to create our friendship and the warmth of our curiosity and mind’s exploration. Learn, enjoy and get excited! Help yourself adapt to altering life-style changes..if there’s one constant in our life today it’s change; from every direction and faster than ever. Let’s make the dream a reality...and much much more! Contact and interface with our staff; psychiatrists and psychologists will help you to get your life better!I’m just looking forward to seeing your messages here!

"It does not take much strength to do things, but it requires great strength to decide on what to do" Elbert Hubbard

Tuesday, 13 January 2009

Somewhere over the Rainbow

Somewhere beyond the horizon, over that sky that gives us the ability to hope and at the same time forbids us from seeing too much, except at night, when it is all much clearer…The arrogant light of day puts in perspective our grandeur. Under a carpet of flashing lights of an eternal ‘Christmas’, it reminds us of our short passing as audience-actors of this ‘earthly’ scene; it foreshadows the ‘Epiphany’ of our inexhaustible or tired desires.
But if, during the day, we can manage to shout out loud enough, paying attention to our echo, the anticipation of the match with hypnos happens on the shores of a lake, at the top of a mountain, or – invisible - in the depths of our spirit.
He manages…this wide man, with a deep voice. Wide and, you would say, ‘good’. As wide as the sea, as wide as that sky beyond the rainbow, that sings. And while he foreshadows ‘a place’ in which perhaps all is better, he really seems to be having fun and being comfortable in this place. This is how we should dream, plucking the strings of the instrument we have and lifting the notes higher, thus gaining wider spaces: water is wide…

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