The Dramatherapy Workshop FreeMind is an open space, so long as it goes on consolidating its thinking and its practice. A blog will allow the extension of the communication: drama widened to ideas and competences. Director, E. Gioacchini

@ Director As mind master of the CDIOT, this gives me the opportunity to open a discussion on the fascinating Mind's Creative Processes and the Theatre. So I invite you to join our community, getting it prestigious, because it will be built with your intuitions and questions, meditation and inner answers. This is the place where you can use the freedom to express your doubts and you ideas, sharing with the others the research of your way. The Mind is a living miracle, available better than we could immagine; the theatre is a powerful tool to get deeply its power! But what beyond our discussions? Prepare for becoming part of a new way to discuss with your right emisphere. Explore the real power of hypnosis, dramatherapy and cinema-dramatherapy and get away its magic and false misconceptions.Work nicely with us to create our friendship and the warmth of our curiosity and mind’s exploration. Learn, enjoy and get excited! Help yourself adapt to altering life-style changes..if there’s one constant in our life today it’s change; from every direction and faster than ever. Let’s make the dream a reality...and much much more! Contact and interface with our staff; psychiatrists and psychologists will help you to get your life better!I’m just looking forward to seeing your messages here!

"It does not take much strength to do things, but it requires great strength to decide on what to do" Elbert Hubbard

Tuesday, 3 March 2009

What If I Get Stuck?

Once upon a time, there was a person in front of me and I was there, advising her on how to overcome a particular fear to do something that she actually wished to do.

I told her: “You know what you should do when you are stuck? You shouldn’t try to un-block anything, you simply ‘do’ that thing…Try and think…as long as you try and force yourself to un-block, you establish the block. As if it weren’t you the person who needs to overcome the block; as if it were natural…but recognizing your frailty…rather, write -she feared writing- anything that comes! And your soul will spring out like a mountain spring, without the fear of going wasted or of being strong or weak or of being already prepared for the low-land path. Each and everyone of us has behind them a large glacier, a genetic one, an acquired one, a subconscious one, from which to draw. That glacier is only waiting for our ‘Go!’”

Now, that person had lived in the mountains and had a wide experience of mountains, glaciers, streams. At first, she was puzzled; she brooded over something totally private in her mind and, really, for me it was not important to understand that, at that moment.

Then she interrupted that embarrassment and said: “So, you could count up to three…” There are moments in which, unless you become a child and let your ‘I’ communicate with that of the client…you can suddenly lose everything! I answered straight away: “Yes, of course…as long as you’re the one to say ‘Go!’”
Sometimes you need to let usual, every-day things become a bit uncomfortable…until you’re even scared of them.
But that way, it’s like trying to make a stream run up-hill! I prefer to believe in the gravity we live in and to follow it!

Whitout Fear -Toquinho, Vinicio De Moraes, Sergio Bardotti

Ma come fai quando tu sei bambino/ A prendere coraggio e fede nel destino/ Se papà ti mette per castigo al buio poi di notte a letto/ Zitto che c’è il lupo zitto che c’è il lupo zitto che c’è il lupo/ E la mamma dice chiamo l’uomo nero/ Chiamo il bau bau ti mangia tutto intero/ Nella notte scura ti fa la puntura, ti fa la puntura, ti fa la puntura/ Ma passa per il buio senza paura
Poi all’improvviso ti arriva l’età di amare follemente/ Un uomo che non va non c’è via d’uscita nè di qua nè di là/ Tuo padre guiderà tua madre pregherà/ Tua madre pregherà tua madre pregherà/ L’amante poi si butta giù dal fabbricato/ Perchè quello che è facile diventa complicato/ Dato che la vita è dura, che la vita è dura, che la vita è dura/ Ma passa per l’amore senza paura
Il pericolo c’è fa parte del gioco tu non farci caso sennò vivi poco/ Tieni sempre duro comincia di nuovo comincia di nuovo comincia di nuovo/ Anche per la strada tu stai rischiando/ Stai sovrappensiero stai rimugginando/ Passa la vettura della spazzatura/ Ed il conducente aumenta l’andatura/ Aumenta l’andatura, aumenta l’andatura/ Ma vai per la tua strada senza paura
Ed un bel giorno di qualunque settimana/ Ed un bel giorno di qualunque settimana battono alla porta/ Battono alla porta è un telegramma lei ti sta chiamando/ È un telegramma lei ti sta chiamando/ Per uno viene presto per l’altro tardi comunque presto o tardi/ Tranquilla e sicura viene senza avviso viene e ti cattura/Viene e ti cattura, viene e ti cattura/ Ma passa per la morte senza paura
Ma passa per il buio senza paura/ Ma passa per l’amore senza paura/ Ma vai per la tua via senza paura/ Ma passa per la morte senza paura

Musica: "Senza Paura", di Toquinho,Vinicius de Moraes e Sergio Bardotti, 1976
Drawing: "Composizione Black & White Composition, Blue Coscience", Andrea G., 2008

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